Sunday, November 19, 2006
Previous Posts
- Charlotte Greenwood in So Long Letty
- Fox Before The Code at the Film Forum
- What Ever Became Of? Noel Francis
- Marian Marsh 1913-2006
- Carole Lombard in Bolero 1934
- More pre-code stars in color
- Classic Pre-code: Girls About Town 1931
- Alice White
- Halloween Mix
- How To Be Photographed Like A Star

Well, if you travel to the moon, you might as well see the dark side. I watched The Gilded Lily not too long ago and was reminded of your Grace Bradley post; Bradley was in the audience, watching Colbert perform her ridiculous number. A shame she didn't get more to do; not even a proper cat fight.
Now, as if to disprove the point I am about to make, someone already commented on dashing Von Stoheim; but why is it, do you think, that the glamorous gals get so many more responses than the no less glamorous leading men on display here? Maybe it's not just the pictures that have gotten small, but our minds?
I love her Cleopatra outfits! I think the Cotton Club movie got its inspiration from the last photo:
George Raft had a a few comments, but overall you are correct. I was actually thinking about trying to change that. What I had in mind was a series of posts titled "In Praise Of" where I would pick a leading man that I felt didnt get the recognition he deserved, and would do a somewhat lenghty post in his honor. I had Edmund Lowe in mind for the first post. Other actors I had in mind were Lawrence Gray, John Halliday and Lyle Talbot, all of whom were somewhat dashing in their own unique way. I would have to do some writing to acompany the pictures though.
I think the Cleopatra outfit ranks right up there with Madame Satan's!
You have a good eye, I think youre right about the Colbert fasion/Cotton Club influence.
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