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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Vintage Advertising - The House Beautiful

Full page ads scanned from November 1927 issue of The House Beautiful.

Cover by Forrest W. Orr.


Blogger PIGNOUF said...

Excellent !
A bientôt...:)

1:39 AM  
Blogger M said...

Beautiful! :) My favorite is Slyker.

2:44 AM  
Blogger jtk said...

Hi Pignouf and Mariana,

Thanks! I'm partial to the Slyker and the the Cadillac. The front cover was by Forrest W. Orr.


11:27 PM  
Blogger Stacia said...

Wow, and all in just one issue! Beautiful. I love the Frigidaire one and how the lady says she only markets twice a week now.

BTW I wanted to mention there's a "blog" out there called "tinseltown-magna" (didn't want to link it for obvious reasons) that is copying your entries. They did it to my blog as well as a lot of other blogs, so I figured I should mention it. Sadly when I did the DMCA complaint Blogspot only took down the content from me that they were stealing, not anyone else's.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Philip Marlowe said...

Wonderful images; everytime I see the word "Frigidaire", I think of my grandmother, who always referred to the refrigerator as such.

Nice blog!

1:40 PM  
Blogger PIGNOUF said...

Bonne Année 2009...:)

6:18 AM  
Blogger jtk said...

Hi Stacia,

Thanks for the info. I noticed the owner of that blog also runs about 40+ other blogs. It appears to be maybe somekind of bot blog that collects posts from other blogs. Thats' new on me.


1:38 PM  
Blogger jtk said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:46 PM  
Blogger jtk said...

Bonjour Pignouf,

Merci beaucoup.

Bonne Année 2009!


1:54 PM  
Blogger jtk said...

Hi C.K. Dexter Haven,

Thanks! I Uncle Willy also used the term "Frigidaire". He was around back when they only had ice-boxes.


2:43 PM  

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