Pre-code Bookshelf #2

Wheeler & Woolsey The Vaudeville Comic Duo and Their Films, 1929-1937 by Ed Watz.
Yes, I am a Wheeler and Woolsey fan and no, I wont apologize. They did make some very funny films, though their brand of humor is not for everyone. The duos So This Is Africa 1933 helped bring about the enforcement of the production code. They're not L & H, but who is. The Dorothy Lee, Wheeler and Woolsey Tribute Site.
This is one of the best film books I've ever read. I hadn't seen any W&W films at the time of reading the book, but I couldn't put it down just the same.
Highly recommended!
I enjoyed the book as much as I enjoy their films, and thats a lot. I know a lot of folks give W&W the rasberry, but they make me laugh.
Personally, I'd usually choose a W&W film over one by Abbott and Costello if given the choice. However, that may simply be because I am less familiar with W&W's work, so there is still an aspect of novelty to their movies for me.
W&W are my second favorite comedy duo. I think an argument can be made that W$W could be considered one of the top 3 comedy film duos.
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